The sins of the father

Everything is energy.  The table in front of you is energy (it just seems to be solid because of the bandwidth at which your senses and brain operate), and so is your anger, upsets and disappointments of yesterday and the years before.

This is not news to those of you involved in energy healing, but it’s always worth repeating, and it helps makes sense of the rest of what I’m going to say.

It all starts with two books I’m reading right now.  The first is Identically Different by Tim Spector, a professor of genetics at King’s College London.  Spector was a paid-up member of the Richard Dawkins’ school of genetics, the ‘bottom-up’ approach that posits that we are nothing more or less than walking gene machines.  Our genes dictate everything about us and determine what we do.

That is until he started looking at the lives of identical twins, who have identical DNA, of course.  If Dawkins is right, you’d expect the twins to have almost identical lives – similar wives or husbands, similar tastes in everything, similar careers, similar health issues, and so on.  Except – they didn’t.  The lives of the twins he studied had remarkably different lives – from different coloured eyes, being right- or left-handed, to dying years apart.  One twin even spent her life plotting the murder of her sibling!

So if DNA doesn’t determine what we are and do, what does?  Effectively, it’s our environment, which suggests Spector has shifted from being a geneticist to an epigeneticist, the theory that something influences, and rewrites, the genetic code.

The environment can be the things around us – and the people, too.  And here’s where it gets really interesting: the people who have a familial tie, such as our grandparents or great-grandparents, also impact on us – because our genes have memories.  They can even ‘remember’ people and events that existed before we were born.

How come? Because everything is energy.

Energy healers understand that our hurts and sadnesses continue to resonate in us as energy patterns – indeed, it’s one of the central themes of the Time-Light model, too – but the idea that we carry something that happened to our grandparents may be a radical thought

The second book I’m reading – it’s a book I often return to – is Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi.  Maharshi, an Indian sage who died in 1950, was from the Advaita tradition of Hinduism – the belief that there is only one ‘I’ or self in the universe.  The best way to understand this truth is through self-enquiry, he maintained.

Through the concept of the three selves – including the impersonal I of consciousness, which I call the Potential Self – Time-Light attempts to put a framework to this, so that people can more easily see where thoughts come from, and how the selves are created.

We are made up of past events we didn’t completely experience at the time, and we carry the burden of our past – and that of our grandparents and family – as well.  As a result, we’re time-heavy.

But all of this can change, although we can’t change it in time – we can do so only outside of time.  And when we do, our past drops, as do the sins of the fathers, in the twinkling of an eye, and we are free, and can taste our true and natural state – that of impersonal consciousness.

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