Level 2: Heal Your Past Transform Your Future

Part 2: Going Deeper 

Going Deeper takes you further into the heart of the Time-Light philosophy. Across a series of eleven bitesize video sessions, you will:

  • Uncover the Revelations of Time-Light: Explore how time fragments your being into three distinct selves and the profound implications of their interactions.
  • Transcend Traditional Therapy: Discover the limitations of conventional therapy and equip yourself with radical new tools for personal transformation.
  • Master Time-Light Meditation: Learn a unique meditation technique that will change your relationship with the past.
  • Reimagine Spiritual Practices: Embrace the powerful practices of gratitude and forgiveness in completely new and transformative ways.
  • Live a 360-Degree Life: Find the path to a life that is holistic, balanced, and full of potential.
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