Making it stick
After a talk I gave the other week, a woman came up to me with a very well-thumbed copy of Time-Light, with lots of underlines, and pages earmarked. She reads it and re-reads it, she said, and she gets ‘it’, and then forgets ‘it’ again. So what can she do so that she always gets ‘it’?
We all ‘fall asleep’ and get trapped by the very powerful illusion that we are thinking when, in fact, the thought thinks us, as one of the central tenets of Time-Light suggests. So why does this continue to happen, even when we ‘get’ the Time-Light philosophy?
Many of us ‘get’ it at the intellectual level; it makes perfect sense, and the philosophy behind it is satisfying and logical. But can you taste it? Is it alive and vibrant in you? Are you aware of the energy pulses coming from each of the three selves, and how they create feelings and thoughts? When you do start to wake up to these processes, the question transforms from, “Why don’t you get it?” to, “What doesn’t get it?”