Be a Time-Lighter

We’re getting phenomenal comments back from people who are reading Time-Light.  It is already proving to be a powerful agent of change.

 But can you help me spread the word?  Can we get more people to be Time-Light?

 Here’s how you can help:


  • Post a positive review on Amazon.  There are only two reviews on the US Amazon Kindle site right now – one five-star and one one-star review (the latter was posted by someone who hasn’t read the book, as he freely admits)!  Seeing an ‘average’ star rating of three may be putting some people off – so if you have genuinely been helped by Time-Light, please tell the world.  Post your comment on your ‘local’ Amazon site – it’s available on the UK, US, German and French Kindle sites.
  • Tell a friend to sign-up to the Time-Light site – better, tell three friends.  When they sign up, they can read the first part of the book for free, so you’re not even asking them to part with any money.
  • If you have read the free download and been moved by what you’ve read, please support the work by purchasing something from the site.  I know times are tough for some of you, so if you can’t, you can’t.  I understand.

Time-Light is nothing less than a spiritual revolution.  People who have struggled for years with spiritual issues are finally ‘getting it’.  My hope is that, together, we can create heaven here on earth – which is what it was supposed to be all along.

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