Hearing God’s voice

Last evening I started to read – or rather re-read – The Bhagavad Gita (The Song of God), and marvelled, as ever, at the profundity of the insights.  Some of the passages reminded me of the Psalms from the Bible, and in particular the verse: “Be still and know that I am God”.

But how could two disparate and different cultures have similar insights, and around the same epoch?  These thoughts they had are not obvious in any way; according to philosophy, they’re not even possible.

My darkest secret

The past has its own life.  Its patterns continue to live through us, affecting our actions, the way we live and the world.  As a result, we live our life on constant repeat until we wake up to the process that, ultimately, deprives us of joy and happiness.

As we become more conscious, we can start seeing the patterns that are created from experiences we never understood at the time – we weren’t fully present – but these patterns run deeper still, and through the generations.

On a radio interview I did recently, the presenter praised me for my honesty in my book, Time-Light, and how I had openly talked about my childhood and how that had shaped me.

But I was holding out.  There was a darker secret that I never revealed but that demonstrates the enormous power of past hurts and misunderstandings.

Your shortcut to spiritual enlightenment (without a guru)

The other day I was reading the e-book “Stripping the Gurus”.  Although some people believe that the author, Geoffrey D Falk, has a ‘skeptical agenda’, it nonetheless is a sobering catalogue of abuse, violence, predatory sexual behaviour, alcoholism and rampant egoism – involving supposedly enlightened spiritual beings, many of whom are well known.

Psychological, and sometimes physical, bullying and abuse is always possible in any relationship when someone has the power and someone else wants it.  There are also just as many fakers as fakirs out there – so be careful.

You can shortcut this whole troublesome process if you really ‘get’ the Time-Light super-charged koan:

Why change is possible

Time-Light is about how our past keeps recreating our present.  It’s also about my own personal journey and discoveries as I came to understand my own depression – and what this means to you in your life.

The ultimate message of Time-Light is a very inspiring one: whatever has happened to you, whatever the emotional prison in which you find yourself, it is in your power to change, to burst through.  You can transform your entire life – once you understand the processes taking place, and who ‘you’ are, the central player of your own life.

I know because I have done it, and those who’ve already read Time-Light are making the amazing discovery that it’s happening to them, too.

Why change is possible

Time-Light is about how our past keeps recreating our present.  It’s also about my own personal journey and discoveries as I came to understand my own depression – and what this means to you in your life.

The ultimate message of Time-Light is a very inspiring one: whatever has happened to you, whatever the emotional prison in which you find yourself, it is in your power to change, to burst through.  You can transform your entire life – once you understand the processes taking place, and who ‘you’ are, the central player of your own life.

I know because I have done it, and those who’ve already read Time-Light are making the amazing discovery that it’s happening to them, too.

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